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Monday, December 12, 2011

Jesus Christ!..........I Finally Get it!

Lately I've become more and more aware that "unconditional love" is what we all crave and so few of us got very much of it.  I've been attending 12-step meetings and Real Love groups, all designed to give pure love and acceptance regardless of what is going on in our lives.  Judgment seems to be the antithesis of unconditional love and I am looking at ways to see when I and others are using imitation love to protect or get something in return. (see RealLove.Com)

After spending 15 hours surrounded by Christians that believe that Jesus died for their sins, is the Lord, is the only son of God, knows every hair on their head and that anything that is in contradiction to the Bible (word of God) is false, ie, evolution, dinosaurs, age of our planet,  I finally felt on a soul level what in God's name could motivate people to believe this way.  Here's what came to me....

According to Greg Baer/Real Love...."since most of us know very little about Real Love, we spend our lives filling up on imitation love".  We also search fearlessly for any example of Real Love.  We look for anyone that can accept us for who we are without needing anything in return.  Most of us have found at least a few people we can intimately share our truths with and will see us and accept us. Still, since the unconscious mind is directing most of what we think, do and feel, we need lots of this Real Love to feel enough and counteract the old imitation love programming. Sure, dogs give us unconditional love but it doesn't translate to "we are loved" the way it does when it comes from a human. 

Along comes the concept of Jesus.  This man came to earth to save us.  He wanted nothing in return.  He knows everything about us and accepts us unconditionally.  We can nail him to a cross and his love and acceptance doesn't diminish.  No wonder people give into this completely.  Even if they feel it nowhere else, there is Real Love there.  They can actually stop putting so much time into finding Real Love and live a life of service. They can build schools, adopt children, support orphanages, feed the poor, bring water to villages who have none, etc etc.  I've often wondered why the Christians seem to be the ones giving up their time and money to help the needy. They want to give back.  They have this dude that gave his all to them and they want to pay it back. It's not so important that they become fully self-loving and expand our consciousnesses like all of us new age/new thought folks are trying desperately to do.  What's important is how much they can serve the other inhabitants of Mother Earth.  We have "the law of attraction", they have "love thy neighbor".  Whether it comes back to you or not. It doesn't matter, they know they are loved and give for the sake of giving.

I'm still a pragmatic agnostic and will continue to do what I can to fill myself up with Real Love.  In the meantime, I hope to adopt more of the Christian philosophy of giving my time and energy to lift my brother, feed a child, serve a community and nurture humanity.

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