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Friday, August 26, 2011

Surrendering To The Goddess.....Again!

Today we got a call from America's Got Talent inviting us to be a part of the 2011 Finale Show as an AGT All Star. At first I was so excited since it felt like an opportunity to "get back on the horse" with an appreciative audience, no Xs, over 100 million viewers and a trip to Hollywood.  Then I presented it to my bride Angelina and she immediately said "No F'ing Way".  I was really disappointed since I am a born entertainer and this would be the most exciting, big time opportunity to share our talents ever.  She then went on to remind me that AGT portrayed us in a very unfavorable light in June. Then she reminded me that our audition in July was never aired even though we spent $1000. on the costumes and went through "hell" during Vegas Week. I still argued for going. Then she reminded me that they are only inviting us to go back because the audience and judges had such an unfavorable response to us.  Then I found my mind starting to have second thoughts.  Then she reminded me that I had facebooked that I no longer, in clear conscious, could support a show where the judges displayed such obvious disrespect for each other and had very little compassion for the talent. (amazing how quickly I forgot that when they dangled the carrot) I'm not judging the show any more than I would judge a cigarette company. Still, I would not endorse either. My body and mind were a mess.  So much confusion for me and still, Angelina was very clear.  Absolutely Not! 

One thing I've noticed over the last 10 plus years, whenever Angelina and I are in disagreement, she is usually more intuitive, wise and discerning.  She's the one that convinced me to become monogamous in 2007. (one of the best decisions I ever made)  So, not only do I surrender to her, I believe in my heart that this is the wisest thing for us to do since we truly want to put this whole AGT nightmare behind us. That being said, I wouldn't do anything different because I have grown more spiritually from this than almost any other single event of my life. I also discovered a whole new religion that has trumped all other spiritual teachings as far as how much peace of mind I now have. So I called AGT back and told them thanks, but no thanks.  I've been a bit depressed all day but I'm coming out of it now.  We still have no full time work but I don't mind.  At one point she was crying because she so didn't want to go to Hollywood, and I was crying because I so did. lol  As Howie said to us when they eliminated us in Vegas..."we're sending you home but you still have each other"....Amen Howie, I'd choose what I have with Angelina over any amount of fame, money, women, independence or control. 

When offered the drug of fame, sometimes you gotta  JUST SAY NO!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Defending the Caveman! The root of the Martian/Venusian dilemma.

Last December in Las Vegas, our dear frieind Jodi Floyd took us to see "Defending the Caveman", a one man show showing how little has changed since the neanderthal age.  We all found it informative, funny and poignant.  Funny, almost every romantic comedy, shows how different martians and venusions process in the brain but the spiritual community is still so reluctant to talk about this difference and the limbic system. Most women I know are much more willing to support men in evolving past their "limbic nature" than are willing to evolve past their own. I would say that this lack of understanding is one of the main reasons so many amazing, gorgeous, conscious, fun, powerful women are unable to connect in a conscious committed way with men. I think I just dropped another bomb!!!  Fortunately, I have a woman that totally accepts my insanity and limbic relationship with "the little brain". She is just very possessive of it. lol  A woman recently gave birth and asked the doctor if it were a boy or a girl. The doctor said "it's a boy but he's a hermaphrodite."  She asked what that meant and he explained, "he has both sets of organs".  She replied, "Oh MY God, he has a penis and a brain".   I rest my case.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our God Is A Myth and So Are You!

First let's explore the definition of myth. Here's the definition that best supports my comment....(which of course is the one I'm gonna use. lol)
  1. idealized conception: a set of often idealized or glamorized ideas and stories surrounding a particular phenomenon, concept, or famous person.
Since the concept of God is beyond the human mind's capacity to truly explain or understand, we are forced to create an idea about God.  Sure the experience of God seems very real. Still, there is no way to use words or thoughts to describe this experience since this experience transcends human thought and words.  Joseph Campbell says "those that think the myth is a fact and use historical evidence to prove this fact are called "theists".  This would describe many Christians, Muslims, practicing Jews, Meher Baba followers, Course in Miracles students and pretty much anyone that takes their religious myths as facts. Those that believe the myth is a lie are called "atheists".  Theists and athiests would make up about 99% of all humankind. The other 1% would fall somewhere in between and that's where we are.  We believe that the myth is real but not having anything to do with historical or physical evidence, ie facts. In other words, we experience God energetically and use "make believe" to create and/or adopt a religion and teachings that exemplify God in the human world and offer a sense of connectedness, security, peace and divinity.  This feels very important to us since the world seems to offer anything but these things.

The same is true for our "True Selves" (another aspect of God).  This too is beyond our mind's capacity to comprehend so we create "myths" to make sense of it.  Here are a few myths I have about myself.....I am male. I am 6' tall. I have a personality. I am an entertainer. I am a spiritual teacher, I'm a recovering "romantic intrigue addict", I am a Scriptist. I write blogs. etc, etc.  It's only when I take these myths as facts and set out to prove them that I lose the true meaning of who I really am.  By accepting that my concepts of God and Self are myths, I free myself of any guilt, shame, judgment and not-enoughness and I get to choose the myths that support well-being and peace. Also, I drop all needs to defend my position because I know my position is "made up" just like my religion "The Script". 
May the Farce Be With You!...swami beyondananda