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Monday, May 16, 2011

Today I converted to Angelina's Religion Again......The Script (revised 4/9/12)

I've always envied Angelina's peace of mind and relaxed nature and now for the first time, I feel it too.  Here are some of the tenets of my new spiritual path....Surrender.

1. There was a Script before I was born.  Consciousness/God/Universe/Spirit/Higher Self/whatever orchestrated the ideal opportunity for me to fulfill this Script.

2. This Script has a basic plot/blueprint which is unchangeable and already has a beginning and ending since time does not actually exist except in the mind.  This is often called "Divine Order".  I can view any part of the blueprint at any time and have that experience.  This is called dreaming, remembering, revisiting, visioning, futurizing, imagining, pre-paving and desiring.  This can be thought of like a video game: we can't change what's on the  CD/ROM but we can maneuver within what's available.

3. All people, places and events are perfect orchestrations of my Script and also cannot change their parts in the basic blueprint.  This removes all judgment and attachment to people and/or things being different than they are.  Those that give me what I want and those that do not are equally supporting me in fulfilling my scripted destiny. 

4. By surrendering to Spirit,  I allow the Script to unfold without resistance while still allowing myself to be open to different choices/levels/paths within what's available in my particular blueprint.  No tools like affirmations, law of attraction, afformations, meditation, chanting, The Secret or prayers have any effect upon my movie unless those tools are in alignment with the Script. It will play out as scripted. However, all of those tools have the potential to inspire more joy, fun, trust and knowing during their use if I am completely unattached to any outcome or their imagined effectiveness.  When it appears that these tools work, it's just because they were in alignment with what was already scripted. This also explains why for so many, these tools appear to be completely ineffective.

5. My experience of each scripted event is completely determined by my thoughts and feelings.  Thinking and feeling that an event is positive makes the experience positive. Thinking and feeling the opposite produces the opposite experience.  I am the co-creator of my experience, I do not create the scripted events. 

Embracing this philosophy has inspired more peace, innocence, contentment, surrender, trust, relaxation, joy and "enoughness" than I ever thought possible.  It also helps keep me completely in THE NOW, which is the only time there ever is.  I hope that in some way, it does the same for you.

The Goofball Guru interpreting and adopting Angelina's life philosophy..........for now!!! LOL


  1. Hummmm ..... I don't know if I understand all that, but it sure sounds DEEP !

    I know that Angelina is living proof that it works though ! I will try to apply it to my own life ...
    and experience the same kind of calmness and radiance that the both of you portray :)
    Thanks for posting ..I will probably have to read this a few times :)
    Namaste My dear Armand
