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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The 10 Principles of Peace

1. We Are All One.  Nothing happens to any of us without happening to All of us.

2. Trust in an Infinite Intelligence that is orchestrating All of Life.

3. Thou shalt not argue with what is.  Make nothing wrong.

4. Take quiet time each day to relax and reflect upon your infinite nature. This nourishes the soul.

5. Completely forgive your parents, yourself, everyone and everything by fully embracing that things could not have happened any other way than they did. Herein lies the Peace of God/Goddess/Spirit.

6. Thou shalt not disrespect anyone's belief/religion.  All beliefs/religions are imagined/made up so each deserves equal respect.

7. Be completely content with what you have. By doing this, you will always feel abundant.

8. Speak your truth.  . When your truth changes, be quick to humbly admit it.  We all have the right to change our minds. Do your best to only say things that are kind or necessary and timely.

9. Revel in everyone's good fortune. This brings good fortune into your experience. Do not pity others for this brings pain into your experience.  You cannot know why another is experiencing anything.

10. Practice the Art of Gratitude for Life itself and all its facets.  A Grateful Life is a Happy Life.

1 comment:

  1. Rock on my brotha from notha motha....I'm gonna print and put this on the batroom mirror...xoxo :-)
