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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Script...A Make-Believe Teaching for a Make-Believe World

After a fair amount of "hate-mail" and a few phone calls from concerned friends and family, I remembered that "religion" is a loaded word and is behind much of the most ugly of all human actions.  So I am now calling The Script a "spiritual teaching".  It is said that religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell and spiritual teachings are for those of us who've been there!!  Also, religion usually separates us from others and spiritual teachings are designed to bring us closer together.

Just for clarity, like all spiritual teachings and religions, The Script is made up!   Sure, it's based upon tools, practices, ideas and beliefs that really have worked for Angelina and now I'm finding it working for me better than any other teaching I've embraced.  Still, it's make-believe and should not be taken seriously.  Remember, "Life is a joke and if you don't get it, the joke's on you".  It's called "enlightenment" not "enheavyment"!  Anyone that believes this world is real and not really a matrix should steer far away from The Script.

I am the self-appointed leader/authority of a "made up" teaching designed to help anyone attracted to it to experience more peace and acceptance along with less judgment about a "made up" world that we "made up".  This teaching is for those who believe that only GOD/LOVE is real and since this world appears to not be exclusively GOD/LOVE, it must be an illusion.  In fact, according to The Script, God is not a part of this world.  God is a part of the real us and is with us but is no more a part of this physical world than Steven Spielberg is at your home watching the movies he directed. (that doesn't pertain to you Ms. Capshaw) 
If God were presently a part of this world, there would be no war, racism, starvation, murder, etc etc. Oh I almost forgot, there would be no judgment either which fortunately, The Script inspires us to release. One cannot practice The Script AND be judgmental at the same time.  Just like someone can't truly practice Christianity and hate their fellow man/woman at the same time. Gandhi is said to have been asked..."what do you think of Christians?"  He responded...."I love Christians. I hope to meet one someday!"

In closing, remember... the major cause of premature aging and degenerative disease is.......taking ourselves and life too seriously!....swami armandananda (of course, I made that up too!) 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Used to Believe in God!

For my whole life, I have believed in God, a higher power, some force that was guiding my life and the universe.  This belief was strong enough for me to feel a superficial sense of well being overall in my life.  This belief allowed me to make some sense of everything that showed up.  This belief gave me strength when things seemed out of control. This belief was not strong enough for me to relax into the knowing that all was well no matter what.  I had a stronger belief that my world was just one move away from falling apart if I didn't do everything right.  I believed God was there, but the burden of life was still my responsibility. I believed that my needs were ultimately taken care of AND I needed to make sure that I not only met God halfway, I had to take care of most of it just in case.  I believed that God had set up "The Law of Attraction", "Prayer", "Affirmations" and "positive thinking" as tools for me to use in order to secure my prosperity in all aspects of my life.  God was present but I WAS IN CHARGE!  Needless to say, there was an underlying panic beneath my cool exterior and an overall anxiety in my body that I masked by using the aformentioned tools.

Recently when I embraced "The Script", I went from believing in God, the Good, Omnicient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent (all the Omnis) to KNOWING God.  Finally I can truly Be Still and Know God.  I no longer stress about the outcomes in my life.  I relax in the knowing that all is well.  I breathe into the peace of perfection and welcome and embrace whatever shows up.  I no longer feel responsible for what shows up in my life, but responsible for how I feel and think about it.  I feel more content with an unpleasant outcome than I used to feel with a pleasant one.  I trust that it's all God's Will.  This allows me to be more in The Now and present to the people in my life. 

I am grateful for the day I stopped believing in God and began to know God!

Teachings that point to "The Script"

Does God know or does He not know that a certain individual will be good or bad? If thou sayest 'He knows', then it necessarily follows that man is compelled to act as God knew beforehand he would act, otherwise God's knowledge would be imperfect.…
Moses ben-Maimon Jewish philosopher and one of the greatest Torah scholars

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Old Testament, Psalms

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
Billy Shakespeare

How can there be Divine Order, an Omniscient God and Free Will?  They don't seem to go together.

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

The Gospel according to John and Paul

Predestination is called 'Vidhi' or 'Vidhi niyama'. Though the future is believed to be dependent on karma, Vidhi has it predestined as to what karma the being does. Thus the decision a being makes to do good or bad is predestined. It is said that even God cannot alter the flow of Vidhi.

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Genesis, 2. 17 The Torah

You can't always get what you want. You get what you need.
Mick Jagger

Man does have limited free will; he can decide whether or not to surrender to the will of Krishna. All other material happenings and their implications are inconceivably predestined.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:8-10 New Testament

Our hour is marked, and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined.
Napoleon Bonaparte

We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.
Oscar Wilde

Really important meetings are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other.
Paulo Coelho from The Alchemist

Traditional Islam holds to the powerlessness of human will, apart from the aid of Allah and yet without a doctrine of Original Sin. Thus, Islam has a simpler version of predestination, viewing all that comes to pass as the will of Allah.
The Koran

God wrote everything that will happen in the universe prior to its creation.
Sunni Islam

And as for fate, I'm sure no man escapes it,
Neither a good nor bad man, once he's born.
The Iliad

If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man...Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we're living right now.
Paulo Coelho

Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.
Psalms 139:16  Old Testament

The 10 Principles of Peace

1. We Are All One.  Nothing happens to any of us without happening to All of us.

2. Trust in an Infinite Intelligence that is orchestrating All of Life.

3. Thou shalt not argue with what is.  Make nothing wrong.

4. Take quiet time each day to relax and reflect upon your infinite nature. This nourishes the soul.

5. Completely forgive your parents, yourself, everyone and everything by fully embracing that things could not have happened any other way than they did. Herein lies the Peace of God/Goddess/Spirit.

6. Thou shalt not disrespect anyone's belief/religion.  All beliefs/religions are imagined/made up so each deserves equal respect.

7. Be completely content with what you have. By doing this, you will always feel abundant.

8. Speak your truth.  . When your truth changes, be quick to humbly admit it.  We all have the right to change our minds. Do your best to only say things that are kind or necessary and timely.

9. Revel in everyone's good fortune. This brings good fortune into your experience. Do not pity others for this brings pain into your experience.  You cannot know why another is experiencing anything.

10. Practice the Art of Gratitude for Life itself and all its facets.  A Grateful Life is a Happy Life.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Did Jesus Die For Your Sins?

I remember in 1997, I was a sponsor at a Southest Youth Of Unity leadership rally.  One our our service projects was to go into the community and offer to be of service for no pay.  It was like a "pay it forward" thing before the movie came out in 2000.  3 teens and myself went to a hardware store and offered to do anything they needed as a gift of service. The manager came over and we were so excited to give our time and love freely.  He asked, "do ya'll believe in Jesus?"  We said, "oh yes".  Then he said, "do you believe he died for your sins?" and I said "no!".   He then proceeded to angrily throw us out of the store and said we were not welcome to do anything for him.  This left a lasting impression upon me.  I always wondered what I could have said that would have been effective in creating harmony.  Maybe nothing short of pretending to agree with him.  Well recently as I have released more judgment and surrendered completely to God/Spirit, I got the hit that since all religions are just belief systems derived from MSU (making shit up) , maybe anything anyone believes is actually true and their lives will reflect that truth.  So for the Christians, Jesus did die for their sins, regardless of what anyone else believes or any evidence to the contrary.  If they do not follow the teachings they believe in, they will be sinning and will experience some sort of hell. For the atheists, there is no God and they will experience life with no "supreme being", which for me would be hell, but for them is business as usual.  And so on, and so on.

What if we all scripted our religious beliefs and thus experiences, into our life/movie before we got here and thus everyone's religion is absolutely true and as real as any other "illusion/belief/thought"?  Maybe that's how we create peace on earth......not only allow all belief systems but actually support and embrace everyone's right to have them and the relative truth in them.  For years I have believed that my spiritual (not religious) beliefs were more expanded than others. Can you say superiority thinking?  Now that I've adopted an entirely new religion which in many ways is contrary to much of what I used to believe, I now see the absurdity of ever thinking I knew anything of an absolute nature.

If I'm ever asked the question "do you believe Jesus died for our sins?",  I hope to respond,  "is that what you believe?"   If they say "yes", I hope to say, "I believe and know in my heart that Jesus did indeed die for your sins!"  They still may throw me out but I've been getting thrown out of places since 2nd grade. So this would be very par for the course. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Today I converted to Angelina's Religion Again......The Script (revised 4/9/12)

I've always envied Angelina's peace of mind and relaxed nature and now for the first time, I feel it too.  Here are some of the tenets of my new spiritual path....Surrender.

1. There was a Script before I was born.  Consciousness/God/Universe/Spirit/Higher Self/whatever orchestrated the ideal opportunity for me to fulfill this Script.

2. This Script has a basic plot/blueprint which is unchangeable and already has a beginning and ending since time does not actually exist except in the mind.  This is often called "Divine Order".  I can view any part of the blueprint at any time and have that experience.  This is called dreaming, remembering, revisiting, visioning, futurizing, imagining, pre-paving and desiring.  This can be thought of like a video game: we can't change what's on the  CD/ROM but we can maneuver within what's available.

3. All people, places and events are perfect orchestrations of my Script and also cannot change their parts in the basic blueprint.  This removes all judgment and attachment to people and/or things being different than they are.  Those that give me what I want and those that do not are equally supporting me in fulfilling my scripted destiny. 

4. By surrendering to Spirit,  I allow the Script to unfold without resistance while still allowing myself to be open to different choices/levels/paths within what's available in my particular blueprint.  No tools like affirmations, law of attraction, afformations, meditation, chanting, The Secret or prayers have any effect upon my movie unless those tools are in alignment with the Script. It will play out as scripted. However, all of those tools have the potential to inspire more joy, fun, trust and knowing during their use if I am completely unattached to any outcome or their imagined effectiveness.  When it appears that these tools work, it's just because they were in alignment with what was already scripted. This also explains why for so many, these tools appear to be completely ineffective.

5. My experience of each scripted event is completely determined by my thoughts and feelings.  Thinking and feeling that an event is positive makes the experience positive. Thinking and feeling the opposite produces the opposite experience.  I am the co-creator of my experience, I do not create the scripted events. 

Embracing this philosophy has inspired more peace, innocence, contentment, surrender, trust, relaxation, joy and "enoughness" than I ever thought possible.  It also helps keep me completely in THE NOW, which is the only time there ever is.  I hope that in some way, it does the same for you.

The Goofball Guru interpreting and adopting Angelina's life philosophy..........for now!!! LOL

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What if everything you believed turned out to be wrong?

Yesterday, much of what I've been thinking, believing, teaching and knowing was dismantled. Much of my life has revolved around "positive thinking" and "co-creating the reality I desire".  Recently the subtle sage, Angelina,  has been hinting that much of my time pondering how to say, do and think the thoughts that will pre-pave the future I desire, may be a total waste of time. She and I resonate strongly with the concept that "Everything is in Divine Order".  I would say that sharing that belief is the cornerstone of our "spiritual marriage" because no matter what has shown up, we have always been able to ultimately find peace using "Divine Order" to explain it all.  Lately she's been asking, "if it's all in divine order, then what makes you think you have any control over anything?".  What's so wonderful about her is that she never suggests that she knows anything, only that she wonders about my relentless pursuit of understanding. As a seriously recovering "control freak", the ultimate sobriety would be to accept that I have absolutely no control over what shows up in my life or the lives of others. I have been hearing this in different ways since our friend Melanie Buzek proposed this idea to us around 2003. Still, I had trouble embracing destiny and fate completely.

Another idea that I've fully embraced is "the law of attraction".  It makes total sense that in this universe, like attracts like and what you think about, speak about and visualize will be made manifest.  I'm not saying that this is no longer true for me, but what about all the folks who practice these techniques and continue to manifest their opposites?  I would always say to myself, "the reason my life is so charmed is because of my positivity and effective use of truth principles".  What a wonderful way for me to feel superior!!  What about all the deperately poor people that have a much happier life than I do, are more appreciative of what they have, and have not had to spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time in some form of therapy to heal their issues, as I have?  I know so many folks that have actually gotten more depressed believing in tools like the "law of attraction" and becoming extremely dissappointed when their tools seems to be used in vain.

What if....things happen the way they are going to happen?  What if you can only do things the way you are doing them and when you are supposed to change, you will?  What if it were absolutely perfect for everything to be happening exactly the way it is?  What if no matter what you did, the same result was going to occur?  What if this life is just a  "movie", already written by you with a predestined ending and predestined scenes, and predestined heroes and villians?  What if you had ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL over anything that occurs???  Since there is no way to know the answers to these questions absolutely, I am choosing to engage my restless mind in what I CAN control (recovering, never recovered. lol).

I can control how I look at what's showing up.  I can still be positive about life, people, experiences etc.  Will this attract more of my external desires?  Maybe, maybe not, but it will FEEL better no matter what shows up.  Can I continue to focus upon what I desire, use my tools to ask "Why" questions (Dawn Key-ho-te Claim, as described in Orchestrating the Symphony of our Cells) in relationship to what I desire?  As long as it feels good, yes.  What leads to dissappointment is the notion that "I better think, say and do things "right" in order to have the desired outcome". This leads to a very toxic thought "what if I do it wrong?"  As long as I say, "the outcome will be what it will be and is not at all influenced by what I say, think or do",  I will not have all the agendas, pressures, dissappointments, performance anxiety, worries and fears that have plagued so much of my consciousness.  I also know that when my thoughts, words and actions are loving, there is "instant karma" because it feels good.  If I'm doing it for the reward, I'm doomed. 

For those who cannot let go of the notion that our thoughts, words and actions DO affect our manifestations, I recommend this:  focus more of your "self help" tools on manifesting more peace, more love, more harmony, more acceptance, more tolerance, more trust.  These are truly what the soul longs for.  These are the things that much of the poor in places like India and Tibet have abundance of and seem to have a higher "happiness quotient" than most people in America.

For me, the notion that everything is going to happen the way it is regardless of my input, has released decades of pressures and concerns from my consciousness.  I've been praying for 10 years to find the peace and relaxation that comes so frickin' natural to Angelina and I believe that I've just been shown a new way.  I hope this is of help to you in some way.  If not, at least you'll get a good laugh.