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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Monogamy vs Polyamory. Religion or Spirituality?

For those of you unfamiliar with the term "polyamory", it's often referred to as "responsible non-monogamy". Unfortunately, I've rarely experienced polyamory as truly responsible. Just as I've rarely seen monogamy free of control and jealousy.  Let me start by saying that I don't believe in either of these lovestyles any more than I believe in the rightness of any  religion.  I believe in Spirituality and Relationship and the forms these take is to me, purely personal. 

Since I was 18, I pretty much related to the polyamorous lifestyle.  This was in part because of my ability to love romantically more than one woman at a time and my desire to conquer jealousy. It was also mixed with an inability to commit intimately to anyone and because of what I realized later had become a full blown addiction to the highs of new relationship and romantic intrigue.  Again, I'm not saying anything derogatory about any lovestyle or spiritual choice, only that when it becomes a religion, it becomes suspect. 

Most of what I've seen from people that strongly identify as monogomous or polyamorous is fear based.  This was certainly true for me.  It took me until June 15th of 2007 to realize that if I were to pursue my deep desire for intimacy with Angelina, enjoy freedom from addiction and have the joyous, simple, peaceful relationship that I had glimpsed, I'd have to let go of my need for romantic freedom and replace it with real love which is always about choice.  I chose monogamy not because I believe in it but because I believe in Angelina and the love we are capable of.  Sure I could go into all the reasons that she "needs monogamy" but that's not my job.  My job is to look at my stuff and do the inner work.

Similary I choose "New Thought" as my spiritual choice not because I believe in any particular religion but because New Thought allows me to explore MY spirituality in an open inclusive way.  Are there New Thought Fundamentalists that have made it a religion that separates?  Of course, but is is not my job to fix that anymore than someone should reject their connection to Islam because of the radical extremist terrorists that identify as Islamics. 

Ultimately, I'm just ME learning each day to open my heart more, get more humble and appreciative And remember to put my Spirituality and Humanity first and all shall be added unto me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being so brave and honest. I think this is such an important dialogue, particularly the inner dialogue. "Real love which is always about freedom." This is the new paradigm. I honor you, Angelina & your journey, always! xoxo~
