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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

From Abuse to Freedom

Today we watched another Oprah show on male childhood sexual abuse. Amazing statistics of 1 in 6 males.  It was painful and inspiring to see 200 men come out and reveal their painful secrets.  I revisited my own physical and emotional abuse by my primary childhood caretakers and was humbled by how much less trauma I experienced since my abuse was so much less severe. Still,  all abuse appears to have the same effect of instilling an unworthiness in it's "victims".  I believe that part of 2012 is this exposure as all lies are coming to the surface fast.  Forgiveness of the perpetrator, and ultimately one's self, seems to be the biggest challenge AND affords the greatest healing.  In the old testament we were told "AN EYE FOR AN EYE, A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH". Well this just left everyone blind and toothless.  Then we were told "TURN THE OTHER CHEEK". but this often feels like enabling and co-dependent.  I"ve always thought that we need to learn to firmly say "NO", "turn the other cheeks" and leave the abusive situation.  Unfortunately, children don't often have that opportunity since they have been convinced to feel so much shame and self blame and often are not believed when they come forward.  Forgiveness is the antidote for shame, especially self-forgiveness.  I always thought I could do it on my own but realized later that I needed help in order to find a way to release the shame, guilt, vindictiveness and anger towards the person that most hurt me.  I felt so afraid of her that I just wanted her to die.  I had been working on this for 14 years with only partial success until I signed up to take the Hoffman Quadrinity Process.  Somehow that work was able to short circuit my faulty DNA so I could let go of the old patterns, thoughts, emotions and feelings that prevented me from fully forgiving.  I was finally able to "let go of the hope that the situation could have been different".  Now my former foe is one of my best friends.  I convinced her to take the process, funded it with Angelina and now miracles happen with her and me almost every day. 

May we all realize that we are innocent.  May we all realize that we have nothing to be ashamed of. May we all realize that there are no "bad people" just people that are taking out their pain and shame on others.  They too need healing.  May we all recognize how WORTHY  we are to experience Heaven On Earth NOW! May we all "heal the shame that binds us".!

1 comment:

  1. Great, inspiring post.
    I feel that turn the other cheek, is really turning to our highest consciousness, stepping into our highest good. Many times with that turn, comes a firm "No."When I turn from the parts of my ego that enable or make me feel weak and afraid, and choose to take up my spiritual birthright, of self love and believing that I deserve to feel good, miracles happen.
