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Monday, April 21, 2014

How is Facebook Addiction like Food Addiction?

I am feeling very empathetic to people with food addictions. I have often had difficulty relating to people with substance addictions because my challenges have been more what is called "process addictions" like romance addiction and codependency. Still, I understand "addiction is addiction" and it is all  inspired from the same place of "emptiness and fear" which comes from not feeling loveable.

Recently, I have been noticing my compulsion to be on Facebook. At first I just blew it off because it is part of my writing, connection etc. It became very clear to me in the last week that I have been out of balance with my administration work, meditation and yoga practice.  I noticed that even though I let these important areas of my life fall back, my Facebook presence has been strong, daily and well cared for.

So, without putting myself or anyone else down, I realize how seductive Facebook is to me. As someone who puts "the yoga of relationship" above almost anything else in my life, it is obvious how a 24/7 network of connection, sharing and availability of people can be a temptress. This morning on my way down to meditate, I saw my computer and heard "just check me real quick. It will make your morning meditation that much better".  OMG, here I am on my computer and have not meditated. LOL

So why is this like food addiction. Food is available 24/7 for most people. It is beneficial in many ways. It can be very social. It can make us "high". If abused, it can cause problems, For me, giving up Facebook would be like giving up food. It is not an option. Just like giving up romance was not an option. I just focused all my romantic energies on Angelina. They are part of my human experience so like peeps with  Food Addiction, I must first admit I have a Facebook addiction and start taking steps to find my balance and health in this arena. Like food, it will not require abstinence. Like food, I need to have healthy balanced Facebook diet.

I am confident that I can create balance in this area as I have done with every other addiction or compulsion I have identified. It actually excites me because I love a challenge.

Anyone else relating to this??

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