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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our God Is A Myth and So Are You!

First let's explore the definition of myth. Here's the definition that best supports my comment....(which of course is the one I'm gonna use. lol)
  1. idealized conception: a set of often idealized or glamorized ideas and stories surrounding a particular phenomenon, concept, or famous person.
Since the concept of God is beyond the human mind's capacity to truly explain or understand, we are forced to create an idea about God.  Sure the experience of God seems very real. Still, there is no way to use words or thoughts to describe this experience since this experience transcends human thought and words.  Joseph Campbell says "those that think the myth is a fact and use historical evidence to prove this fact are called "theists".  This would describe many Christians, Muslims, practicing Jews, Meher Baba followers, Course in Miracles students and pretty much anyone that takes their religious myths as facts. Those that believe the myth is a lie are called "atheists".  Theists and athiests would make up about 99% of all humankind. The other 1% would fall somewhere in between and that's where we are.  We believe that the myth is real but not having anything to do with historical or physical evidence, ie facts. In other words, we experience God energetically and use "make believe" to create and/or adopt a religion and teachings that exemplify God in the human world and offer a sense of connectedness, security, peace and divinity.  This feels very important to us since the world seems to offer anything but these things.

The same is true for our "True Selves" (another aspect of God).  This too is beyond our mind's capacity to comprehend so we create "myths" to make sense of it.  Here are a few myths I have about myself.....I am male. I am 6' tall. I have a personality. I am an entertainer. I am a spiritual teacher, I'm a recovering "romantic intrigue addict", I am a Scriptist. I write blogs. etc, etc.  It's only when I take these myths as facts and set out to prove them that I lose the true meaning of who I really am.  By accepting that my concepts of God and Self are myths, I free myself of any guilt, shame, judgment and not-enoughness and I get to choose the myths that support well-being and peace. Also, I drop all needs to defend my position because I know my position is "made up" just like my religion "The Script". 
May the Farce Be With You!...swami beyondananda

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