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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Don't Give Warm Love to Everyone!

Are there people in your life that don't get you that you don't get either but you want to feel peaceful about them.  Welcome to one of the most challenging postures in relationship yoga.  I call these "creditor relationships".  How about treating them like a "creditor".  You know they don't have your best interest at heart and they want something from you that you aren't willing to give them. Love them from afar. Don't give them any information or warmth that they'll use to try and collect more from you.  They are not wrong for trying to get what they believe you owe them.  You are not wrong for not believing you owe them. It's just a stalemate.  In Eckankar they say....."warm love or charity,  one gives warm love to those who give it back,  charity to all else, love with no expectations/ no contracts."  As a person who has spent the better part of 50 years trying to give warm love to everybody, I can say clearly that it has been the source of much of my suffering.  We can be honest, direct and clear when we deal with "creditor relationships". Truly the less contact the better. I found out last night that a relationship I have been giving warm love to for 29 years has been a "creditor relationship"  for the last 8.  I say I found out last night but the truth is, I've known this for a while but was unwilling to admit it to myself.  I thought..."If I could only love them enough, they'd love me back".  You may recognize that line from a previous post. Yes, it's the same couple. LOL  The difference is, NOW all 4 of us are on the same page, all is forgiven and none of us wants to have anything to do with the other couple. Kind of like a typical divorce where you never spend time together again.  Oh, and BTW, if you move, don't give them your new address. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Such timely and valuable synergy for me and my circle of friends. I shall choose warm love wherever possible but shall keep the reality of charitable relationships on hand.
