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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Surrender to Sex and Love. The rewards are so worth it!

Over the last 10 years, Angelina and I have been asked many times "what's the secret to your amazing relationship".  Truthfully,  I've never been able to completely put my finger on it.(no pun intended)  We look at so many of our single friends, who truly have so much to offer, and wonder "why is relationship so hard for so many?"  One thing that works for us is something that we rarely see in other couples and most singles are not willing to give it to a mate.  We have surrendered to each other's emotional and sexual desires and needs.  That means when one of us desires emotional presence or sex, we are available.  We may not be that into it. We may be tired. We may be shut down. We may be busy. We may be resentful. We may be angry. We may be whatever, but we realized in the beginning that we were committing to be each other's ultimate source for emotional and sexual fulfillment and with that came a huge responsibility to be there for each other in that way unconditionally.  There has never been a time that one of us gave in to the other where it has not been effective in creating and maintaining intimacy and connectedness.  So often we see couples where one holds back sex or emotional intimacy as a power tool and it creates resentment.  We heard it said years ago that when you do something for your partner when you're "not into it" or it doesn't feel fair, then it's a love gift and we all know that Love Is A Boomerang and when you give it away, it comes right back.  Would you rather be right or happy?  It's time for us all to "take one for the team".  When did the word "sacrifice" become so dirty?  This may sound "codependent" to some.  Well, if that's what it is called when lovers take care of each other and serve each other, we're ok with that. We prefer to think of it as "effective, conscious, romantic love".  Or "love with a happy ending" pun intended.

CAUTION: The moment that any of this becomes a demanded expectation, it loses the "unconditional" surrender and becomes a set up for disappointment.  Also, if either of us give in to the other in order to receive something in return, it is no longer unconditionally loving.
Here's a bonus.  Often when one of us is not in the mood for sex but we make ourselves available to the other, we end up getting in the mood and it's a beautiful thang!

WARNING: This is intended for mature, committed relationships. This does not apply to abusive situations and/or sexual fantasy.

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