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Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011...Hell or Heaven

We just saw a billboard in LA last week that said "May 11, 2011 will be judgement day. Repent and receive everlasting life before it's too late!"  Normally I don't really give that stuff any attention but this time it made me think. Could it be that fundamental Christianity and the Human Potential Movement are both getting the same message?  It does appear that something really monumental is happening.  At this rate, by that time and certainly by Dec. 2012, life as we know it will be dramatically different.  We are already experiencing climate changes never before seen to this degree. There was ice on my Orlando pool Tuesday for God's sake. LOL The banking and housing industry was brought to it's knees to some extent.  Almost all of Americans have been dramatically negatively affected by the economy.  We have a president that is not pasty white.  Madoff, Enron, etc are being exposed.  We went to a fast food restaurant that served fresh squeezed veggie juices, vegan meals and had nutrition books to read.  Relationships are being tested. Men are admitting to be sexually abused as children. And just today, a son of a dear friend passed away after what appeared to be a common cold after only 4 days of illness.  One group says that hell on earth is soon to come. Another says that heaven on earth is soon to come.  To me it's simple.  It's all about LOVE or ATTACHMENT.  For those that hold tightly to the past, expect the weather to be stable, need the markets to go a certain way, can't handle death(no such thing anyway), keep themselves separated from oneness, numb out with drugs, sex, alcohol, TV, food etc,  these coming months will be hell.  For those who heal the drama and attachment on the inside, the drama on the outside will have much less affect and these coming times will usher in a new age of consciousness.  I'm not saying this will be easy for everyone.  I'm just saying that for those of us who choose love, trust and divine order, the navigation will be much smoother.  May we all choose LOVE over ATTACHMENT.  As they say, the only constant is change and change is happening at light speed.  Peace in the Chaos!!  Happy New Year. It's gonna be a full of fireworks.!! 

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