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Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011...Hell or Heaven

We just saw a billboard in LA last week that said "May 11, 2011 will be judgement day. Repent and receive everlasting life before it's too late!"  Normally I don't really give that stuff any attention but this time it made me think. Could it be that fundamental Christianity and the Human Potential Movement are both getting the same message?  It does appear that something really monumental is happening.  At this rate, by that time and certainly by Dec. 2012, life as we know it will be dramatically different.  We are already experiencing climate changes never before seen to this degree. There was ice on my Orlando pool Tuesday for God's sake. LOL The banking and housing industry was brought to it's knees to some extent.  Almost all of Americans have been dramatically negatively affected by the economy.  We have a president that is not pasty white.  Madoff, Enron, etc are being exposed.  We went to a fast food restaurant that served fresh squeezed veggie juices, vegan meals and had nutrition books to read.  Relationships are being tested. Men are admitting to be sexually abused as children. And just today, a son of a dear friend passed away after what appeared to be a common cold after only 4 days of illness.  One group says that hell on earth is soon to come. Another says that heaven on earth is soon to come.  To me it's simple.  It's all about LOVE or ATTACHMENT.  For those that hold tightly to the past, expect the weather to be stable, need the markets to go a certain way, can't handle death(no such thing anyway), keep themselves separated from oneness, numb out with drugs, sex, alcohol, TV, food etc,  these coming months will be hell.  For those who heal the drama and attachment on the inside, the drama on the outside will have much less affect and these coming times will usher in a new age of consciousness.  I'm not saying this will be easy for everyone.  I'm just saying that for those of us who choose love, trust and divine order, the navigation will be much smoother.  May we all choose LOVE over ATTACHMENT.  As they say, the only constant is change and change is happening at light speed.  Peace in the Chaos!!  Happy New Year. It's gonna be a full of fireworks.!! 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Surrender to Sex and Love. The rewards are so worth it!

Over the last 10 years, Angelina and I have been asked many times "what's the secret to your amazing relationship".  Truthfully,  I've never been able to completely put my finger on it.(no pun intended)  We look at so many of our single friends, who truly have so much to offer, and wonder "why is relationship so hard for so many?"  One thing that works for us is something that we rarely see in other couples and most singles are not willing to give it to a mate.  We have surrendered to each other's emotional and sexual desires and needs.  That means when one of us desires emotional presence or sex, we are available.  We may not be that into it. We may be tired. We may be shut down. We may be busy. We may be resentful. We may be angry. We may be whatever, but we realized in the beginning that we were committing to be each other's ultimate source for emotional and sexual fulfillment and with that came a huge responsibility to be there for each other in that way unconditionally.  There has never been a time that one of us gave in to the other where it has not been effective in creating and maintaining intimacy and connectedness.  So often we see couples where one holds back sex or emotional intimacy as a power tool and it creates resentment.  We heard it said years ago that when you do something for your partner when you're "not into it" or it doesn't feel fair, then it's a love gift and we all know that Love Is A Boomerang and when you give it away, it comes right back.  Would you rather be right or happy?  It's time for us all to "take one for the team".  When did the word "sacrifice" become so dirty?  This may sound "codependent" to some.  Well, if that's what it is called when lovers take care of each other and serve each other, we're ok with that. We prefer to think of it as "effective, conscious, romantic love".  Or "love with a happy ending" pun intended.

CAUTION: The moment that any of this becomes a demanded expectation, it loses the "unconditional" surrender and becomes a set up for disappointment.  Also, if either of us give in to the other in order to receive something in return, it is no longer unconditionally loving.
Here's a bonus.  Often when one of us is not in the mood for sex but we make ourselves available to the other, we end up getting in the mood and it's a beautiful thang!

WARNING: This is intended for mature, committed relationships. This does not apply to abusive situations and/or sexual fantasy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

MEAT: To Eat or Not to Eat....that is the question!

Yesterday I woke up with Spirit loudly saying "you are to stop eating meat!".  This was very unwelcome news.  "Are you sure?", I said.  "Yes, you are to stop eating meat!".  I love meat.  I have been eating only organic meat for years.  I buy sustainable fish, blah, blah, blah.  I asked if this was for ethical reasons and the answer I got was "NO, it's not a judgement about whether it's ethical or not to eat meat".  I asked "Is it because it's the Green thing to do?".  Spirit said, "this is not a judgement about whether it's better for the planet!  This is something for you to do now to make you more in alignment with your new consciousness.  "Oh" I said, "not eating meat is more conscious."   "Nope, you just can't let go of the judgement can you? It's what's best for YOU right now!"  I wondered what it would be like eating with Angelina.  "Would she be best not to eat meat too."  "That's not your concern!  She is doing what is best for her. This message is for YOU!" 

As with all my obvious guidance, when I follow it, my life improves. It just feels right to stop eating meat right now.  I was already becoming more and more attracted to lighter food, more alive, prana rich sustenance.  Fortunately, the guidance says it's good for me to eat organic eggs from free roaming chickens and raw, organic dairy. Whew! That was close!!   I am type O blood after all. LOL  Whenever I hear anyone promoting vegetarianism from a judgemental place, I always have an inner giggle.  I have heard on many occasions "we will not have peace on earth as long as people eat meat".  My thought is we will not have peace on earth until we stop eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Angelina is the most compassionate, kind, loving, non-judgmental person I know, who has more peace in her life than just about anyone and she loves eating meat, especially caribou.  That's Rudolph's species for God's sake girl!!  And I know plenty of vegetarian, green, tree huggin' folks that are so full of fear, judgment and anger that they don't seem very happy or content with themselves or the world.  Are they promoting peace on earth? Was that a judgment? lol

My bottom line.....everyone needs to take care of their own "little red wagon" and the more you trust yourself and find contentment with your choices, the less you'll condemn those who don't make the same ones!!  Here's a little joke.....a woman is wearing a fur coat and a PETA person says, "lady, do you have any idea how many animals had to die so you could wear that coat?"  She replied...."do you have any idea how many animals I had to sleep with to get this coat?!!!"
Peace and Choices........