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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Is Your GOD better than My GOD?

The concept of GOD is becoming more and more difficult for me to grasp these days.  What is this illusive concept?  Is it a being? Is it an energy?  Why does it cause so many problems and wars?  I let go of the idea that GOD was a separate being years ago, yet I still find myself thanking GOD now and then with confusion.  I also know that atheists and other non-GOD-believers don't resonate with this concept. Is there a universal principle that runs through all religions and spiritual beliefs that even atheists can relate to?

In the 12-step programs they refer to GOD as "Higher Power".  This really resonates with me, because even though it is very apparent that much of this earth experience seems devoid of "Higher Power", there is still so much going on that appears to be "Higher Power" influenced.  If GOD is ALL, then GOD must not be here because much of what I see and experience is far from what I would imagine GOD to be.  However, if "Higher Power" is that part of us that knows and experiences Oneness, then this would always be present even when not being experienced. When I see and hear of the tragedies around the world, I don't feel that GOD made it happen or is a part of it. I do however see that "our recognition of our oneness" can heal it all.  In other words, the truth of who we are, one with a "Higher Power" that unites us all, is always present within, even when we don't experience it without.

Still, "Higher Power" seems a bit esoteric for me and I hunger for something more palatable.  What is a synonym for "our recognition of our oneness"?  What about LOVE?  For me the concept of LOVE is more universal and easier to digest.  Thank you LOVE for helping me to see things in a new way.  Thank you LOVE for inspiring forgiveness of myself and everyone.  Thank you LOVE for guiding me towards that which will allow me to be fully self-expressed.  Thank you LOVE for bringing Angelina and me together.  Thank you LOVE for my painful emotions that guide me away from certain individuals and experiences and towards others.  Thank you LOVE for this current "Divine Discontent" that is opening me to new possibilities.  Thank you LOVE for inspiring gratitude for what I have vs. thanking GOD for my blessings.  As long as we give GOD credit for some things, we may subconsciously blame GOD for others.  However, when we thank LOVE for peace, compassion and understanding, we know it's just lack of "feeling" LOVE that prevents us from having them. Hatred and war will then not be seen as the opposite of LOVE, but as symptoms of a disconnection from one's Higher Power/LOVE resulting in a lack of feeling LOVE.  This brings "Higher Power/GOD/Spirit" home and not off is some far-away Heaven.

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