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Monday, October 10, 2011

Fear-the emotion vs Fear-the thought

Obviously this is up for me these days. LOL  In an earlier post I made peace with the emotion of fear and had many find that impossible to relate to.  In my efforts to learn as much as possible, anything that will make this journey more fun for me and others, I inquired within and without for some answers. 
The ideas of False Evidence Appearing Real; Forgetting Everything is All Right; and Feeling Empty After Relationship all seem more valid when talking about "fearful thoughts" or "fears" vs the emotion of fear.  While the emotion is merely our guidance system alerting us, fearful thoughts are mostly lies made up or believed by our egos that inspire us to feel small, weak, insecure and separate.  In many Christian traditions, this would be called "satan" or "the devil".  While I differ on synonyms, I completely agree with the sentiment and feel that these "fearful thoughts" when unsubstantiated, need to be reprogrammed and/or eliminated.

Sometimes it's as simple as replacing them with a truth. Sometimes it takes facing them and proving to ourselves that they are false.  Numbing out with obsessions/compulsions etc. only really keeps us from feeling the "symptoms of fear" and keeps us in the "thought prison" even more.  In my case, I was not able to just replace them or face them fully until I abstained from certain behaviours that I had been using for 47 years, (mainly fantasy), and started dealing with the feelings I was avoiding.  I'm not there yet for sure.  I believe that underneath most, if not all suffering is merely a bunch of lies and I commit my life to exposing these lies in myself and others.

In appears that the emotion of fear is our friend and "nonfactual fearful thoughts" are our foes.

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