It occurred to me today that politics and religion have a lot in common and one might even call someone's politics their religion. Actually, religions typically have lots of politics in them and certainly follow ideologies. There is even an old adage..."never discuss politics or religion at the dinner table." I have made it a practice to discuss both any time I can because I feel that engaging in open, respectful, honoring dialogue about these two very personal ideologies is important in promoting Peace on Earth.
In Jan. 2016 while on a vision quest, I was inspired to create The Purple EVOLution Movement. I began calling a person's politics their "political orientation" and having a prejudice towards another's politics as "political bigotry". Since most of the people I am in contact with find it socially unacceptable to be prejudiced against another's race, sexual orientation or religion, I wanted to use terms that would bring politics into those arenas.
If we think about religion, it is a person's belief system around what is right and wrong, who they look up to, etc. Political ideology is much the same. Each side believes their politics are the best ways to run a society and each looks up to certain leaders from their side for guidance and srength. The right loves to quote Reagan and Lincoln. The left loves to quote JFK and Lincoln. Lincoln is a wild card because he was a Republican and displayed liberal views and the parties shifted over time, but that's a whole 'nother story.
Anyway, I propose that we can be committed to our sexual orientation, religion and political ideologies without judging others whose orientation, religion or ideologies are different. As an article I just found said....political bigotry is the most pervasive bigotry. As usual, your thoughts are invited and welcome.
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