Most likely the most divisive subject in the U.S. is Donald J. Trump. It is more important than ever to keep objective, open-minded, compassionate and emotionally sensitive if we want to be a part of the solution and not add to the disharmony. This morning, partially inspired by a conversation with a dear friend that sees things almost completely opposite than I do relative to President Trump, my awareness seemed to crack open a bit. Here are some objective truths I perceive relative to our current Civil War/Cancer.
1. Trump is a Wild Card.
2. There are beautiful, loving, patriotic, kind, decent, open-hearted people that support his Presidency
3. There are beautiful, loving, patriotic, kind, decent, open-hearted people that do not support his Presidency.
4. There are hateful, unpatriotic, purposely divisive, closed-minded, selfish people that support his Presidency.
5. There are hateful, unpatriotic, purposely divisive, closed-minded, selfish people that do not support his Presidency.
6. None of us really know all the facts.
7. There is major corruption within our government and that includes those on the Left and the Right.
8. The Golden Rule is still Golden.
9. We have much more in common than not.
10. We must put humanity before patriotism, and patriotism before political ideology.
So, go ahead and do what is yours to do. Be an activist, share your concerns and vote your conscious. AND do so with an open heart and mind. Be sensitive to how you present your case. Remember, there are people on the other side of the field that are just as committed to justice as you are. Love is the answer to all problems and don't allow your passion to overtake your ability to Love. When in doubt, study MLK Jr or Gandhi. Peace and Love was at the core of their activism.
OK, done ranting for now.
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Monday, September 17, 2018
Thursday, September 13, 2018
My Dance as Director and Actor
My greatest paradox is how to balance my job as Director of Armand, and Armand the Actor. Today I was feeling some "toursick blues". This is what gypsies sometimes get when they long to be back on the road. As the Actor, it is more fun if I play the part in the moment, in a very childlike manner, imagining that life is unfolding before my eyes. Still, if I believe I am in control, another voice can come in and say "you better not screw it up". That is when it's really important to slip back into Director mode and remind the Actor, "dude, just play the part. Have as much fun as possible. Be confident and express yourself fully. I am directing you and it's all happening exactly the way it's supposed to happen. Your main job is to trust, love, feel your feelings and be as kind to yourself and others as possible given each scene. YOU are my only actor and I love and adore you. This is our movie and it's already Scripted."
Whew! That's a relief!
Whew! That's a relief!
Monday, August 6, 2018
America Has Cancer
This morning
I had a waking dream. Imagine that we are part of a national family. This family is called The United States. Imagine that about 33% of this family is not
involved at all in politics, but just focuses upon their lives, making a
living, taking care of their personal families and friends. They may have
opinions about it and may vote, but they are not attached either way. They also
don’t despise Obama or Trump. Imagine
that another 33% of this family really loves Obama and believes that he was the
greatest president of their lifetime and really made America Greater, and they
despise Trump and his supporters. Imagine that the other 33% of this family
really loves Trump and believes that he is the greatest president of their
lifetimes and is really making America Greater ,and they despise Obama and his
supporters. That would mean that 66% of
your family is at complete odds with each other. This is a real challenge if we want this
family to thrive and function as a healthy unit. That is like having 66% of our
body plagued with CANCER.
I woke up and was not given any answers.
So, I will try and come up with some and hopefully, you will join me in
adding some as well.
1. Don’t call those that despise Obama
racists or those that despise Trump deranged.
2. Stop using mean-spirited words like
redneck, deplorable, libtard, snowflake, racist, Nazi, communist, anti-American,
and idiot (used by the entire 66%).
3. Call out those that are using
mean-spirited words etc.
4. Open your mind and heart to empathize
with why the opposite 33% feels and thinks the way they do without insulting
them with comments like “they only think that way because they want everything
for free” or “they only think that way because they are bullies”. (I admit this is easier for me since I am not
part of the 66%.
Remember that a large part of the American problem is a
result of the two-party system, which assumes that we are either liberal or
conservative without creating a political space for nuance and full spectrum
ideology. As a result, it has become a political football game where the only concern
for 66% of Americans is how we can get the ball into the other side’s end
zone. Remember, Obama and Trump both
represent leaders that are effective at, and committed to, dramatically moving
the ball.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Thet Bright Side of Perfectionism
So many of us have this deep longing to be perfect. This typically leads to disappointment and self judgment. We see others appearing to be more perfect and successful and/or happier than we are. I would say that the biggest challenge that Angelina and I face, is the stress and anxiety associated with trying to be and do things perfectly. This morning, I realized that on some level, perfection is not just a goal, it is our true nature. Our true Self is already perfect and that realization is calling upon us to be recognized. Our human self will always be imperfect and well....human. That’s life and the human experience. It’s only when we get absorbed into our humans that we get confused. It’s like going into a theatre in perfect health, watching a movie about someone who’s sick and feeling like we need medical help. That is just the character in the movie. This whole earth experience is just a movie and our true Self is the one watching and guiding our human, actor self.
We are already perfect. We can’t get life wrong. It’s just a learning experience. From this place of knowing our perfection, we can guide our human in the most effective and fully adoring and accepting way possible. Sure we want the movie to turn out the way we would like. Still, by not allowing the flickering images to suck us in, we can stay unattached to outcomes and disidentified from the characters, which keeps us from judging humanity and life, most of which we have very little control of anyway. We can especially stop judging ourselves. Remember, we are much more affected by how we perceive what happens in the movie than we are about what actually happens.
Today I recognize my perfection in a more powerful way. Today I recognize your perfection too. Today I more deeply identify with the Guru while lovingly observing, guiding and adoring the Goofball.
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Anger Is Like Urine
Anger is a lot like urine. Why do you think we call being angry "pissed off?" One of the biggest challenges with being human is learning how to deal with anger. To me it's pretty simple when compared to urine. It must be released. It stinks. If we hold it in we get backed up and will damage ourselves. It should never be released onto someone. It should never be released onto ourselves.
A wonderful tool we learned from Greg Baer's Real Love teachings goes something like this. When you a feeling angry towards another person, do not take that out on them. Usually you will need to get away from them quickly. If it's someone close to you, you might say, "I need some time away for now. I love you as much as ever and I need to take care of something before we discuss this." Find a neutral person who can hear your anger without taking it personally. Let them know how you feel. As they are present to you, you will be releasing the anger in a healthy way but not on anyone. If you start to beat yourself up, remind yourself that you are lovable even when you are pissed off. As you release the anger, you allow yourself to get filled back up with love, acceptance and understanding. From this place, you are better able to deal with the person you were previously angry with and maybe set some boundaries and/or discuss the situation in an effective way.
Telling someone that you are angry, disappointed or resentful with them is similar to urinating on them. It will never make the situation better. Find a way to release the anger in a clean, emotionally sanitary way.
A wonderful tool we learned from Greg Baer's Real Love teachings goes something like this. When you a feeling angry towards another person, do not take that out on them. Usually you will need to get away from them quickly. If it's someone close to you, you might say, "I need some time away for now. I love you as much as ever and I need to take care of something before we discuss this." Find a neutral person who can hear your anger without taking it personally. Let them know how you feel. As they are present to you, you will be releasing the anger in a healthy way but not on anyone. If you start to beat yourself up, remind yourself that you are lovable even when you are pissed off. As you release the anger, you allow yourself to get filled back up with love, acceptance and understanding. From this place, you are better able to deal with the person you were previously angry with and maybe set some boundaries and/or discuss the situation in an effective way.
Telling someone that you are angry, disappointed or resentful with them is similar to urinating on them. It will never make the situation better. Find a way to release the anger in a clean, emotionally sanitary way.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Politics and Religion...Not so different!
It occurred to me today that politics and religion have a lot in common and one might even call someone's politics their religion. Actually, religions typically have lots of politics in them and certainly follow ideologies. There is even an old adage..."never discuss politics or religion at the dinner table." I have made it a practice to discuss both any time I can because I feel that engaging in open, respectful, honoring dialogue about these two very personal ideologies is important in promoting Peace on Earth.
In Jan. 2016 while on a vision quest, I was inspired to create The Purple EVOLution Movement. I began calling a person's politics their "political orientation" and having a prejudice towards another's politics as "political bigotry". Since most of the people I am in contact with find it socially unacceptable to be prejudiced against another's race, sexual orientation or religion, I wanted to use terms that would bring politics into those arenas.
If we think about religion, it is a person's belief system around what is right and wrong, who they look up to, etc. Political ideology is much the same. Each side believes their politics are the best ways to run a society and each looks up to certain leaders from their side for guidance and srength. The right loves to quote Reagan and Lincoln. The left loves to quote JFK and Lincoln. Lincoln is a wild card because he was a Republican and displayed liberal views and the parties shifted over time, but that's a whole 'nother story.
Anyway, I propose that we can be committed to our sexual orientation, religion and political ideologies without judging others whose orientation, religion or ideologies are different. As an article I just found said....political bigotry is the most pervasive bigotry. As usual, your thoughts are invited and welcome.
In Jan. 2016 while on a vision quest, I was inspired to create The Purple EVOLution Movement. I began calling a person's politics their "political orientation" and having a prejudice towards another's politics as "political bigotry". Since most of the people I am in contact with find it socially unacceptable to be prejudiced against another's race, sexual orientation or religion, I wanted to use terms that would bring politics into those arenas.
If we think about religion, it is a person's belief system around what is right and wrong, who they look up to, etc. Political ideology is much the same. Each side believes their politics are the best ways to run a society and each looks up to certain leaders from their side for guidance and srength. The right loves to quote Reagan and Lincoln. The left loves to quote JFK and Lincoln. Lincoln is a wild card because he was a Republican and displayed liberal views and the parties shifted over time, but that's a whole 'nother story.
Anyway, I propose that we can be committed to our sexual orientation, religion and political ideologies without judging others whose orientation, religion or ideologies are different. As an article I just found said....political bigotry is the most pervasive bigotry. As usual, your thoughts are invited and welcome.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Grieving Time Lost With A Child
I just turned 57 recently. For some reason, this has been my time to grieve all the lost time with my inner child and all the pain I have caused him through my thoughts, words and actions. I know this is up for me because I am being called to make a deeper commitment to him/myself to devote my life to honoring his heart and innocence. He is extremely wounded. I have felt bouts of panic and I realize that he has been screaming for my attention as uncovered wounding of the past has been brought to the surface, as a result of all the inner work I have done recently.
I apologize for all the times I was angry, disappointed and/or resentful of him. I apologize for all the times I subjected him to people and situations that abused him. I apologize for being so focused upon the future that I missed out on time with him in the moment. I apologize for making money, sex, validation, attention, work opportunities and people more important than him. I recognize that he is my main priority and all he wants is to know, verified by my words, thoughts and actions, that he is my priority above all others. I apologize for not recognizing his intuitive wisdom. I realize that by honoring him, being present to him, listening to his requests for quiet time, play time and time in nature and, by reminding him how much I love, appreciate, adore, and respect him, I unlock the keys to a happy, peaceful, confident, secure, trusting, abundant, joyous, compassionate life.
I deeply commit to seeking first the kingdom of him and my higher self, and letting work, finances, external relationships and entertainment come after. I deeply commit to "turning the other cheeks" with those that are unable and/or unwilling to treat him with kindness, support and respect.
I forgive myself for all the pain I have caused him through my dysfunctional behavior.
I forgive myself for all the lost years with him. I don't know how many I have left so I will make each year the most self-loving, peaceful, joyous, trusting, kind, present year possible. From that place I can't help but be a gift to Angelina, others, our career and the planet. I welcome those of you who want to be a part of this journey with me. For anyone that may want to share their resentment, anger or disappointment in me, I invite you to take your energy and words elsewhere. You are no longer welcome in my child's world.
I apologize for all the times I was angry, disappointed and/or resentful of him. I apologize for all the times I subjected him to people and situations that abused him. I apologize for being so focused upon the future that I missed out on time with him in the moment. I apologize for making money, sex, validation, attention, work opportunities and people more important than him. I recognize that he is my main priority and all he wants is to know, verified by my words, thoughts and actions, that he is my priority above all others. I apologize for not recognizing his intuitive wisdom. I realize that by honoring him, being present to him, listening to his requests for quiet time, play time and time in nature and, by reminding him how much I love, appreciate, adore, and respect him, I unlock the keys to a happy, peaceful, confident, secure, trusting, abundant, joyous, compassionate life.
I deeply commit to seeking first the kingdom of him and my higher self, and letting work, finances, external relationships and entertainment come after. I deeply commit to "turning the other cheeks" with those that are unable and/or unwilling to treat him with kindness, support and respect.
I forgive myself for all the pain I have caused him through my dysfunctional behavior.
I forgive myself for all the lost years with him. I don't know how many I have left so I will make each year the most self-loving, peaceful, joyous, trusting, kind, present year possible. From that place I can't help but be a gift to Angelina, others, our career and the planet. I welcome those of you who want to be a part of this journey with me. For anyone that may want to share their resentment, anger or disappointment in me, I invite you to take your energy and words elsewhere. You are no longer welcome in my child's world.
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