I am continually amazed at how everything is working towards Consciousness. As a Kriya Yoga disciple, I am committed to full Self/God Realization. I would like it to be this lifetime too but am not attached. Over the last 5 months, I have experienced some really painful relationship karma. One minute I'd be high as a kite, flying through life like never before and then, in an instant I'd fly smack dab into a mountain. The message I got in my morning meditation is helping me to understand this in a much more simple, yet joyous way.
Imagine that we are like a butterfly that goes through many stages until our wings are fully developed and we reach "Butterfly Enlightenment". At this point we would be able to fly anywhere available with ease, peace and joy. Now what if you are a butterfly, like myself, that is always exploring higher possibilities? If we fly higher than our wings can handle, someone or some experience will painfully put us back down to our level of consciousness. At this point we can either stay down, which would have the symptoms of blame, resentment, victim, attack and making the other person or situation wrong. Or, we can return to the cocoon, feel the pain fully, forgive everything involved and see where the pain is leading us. If we do that, we will grow stronger, more conscious wings and be able to fly higher than before.
I am so grateful to the people and experiences that have inspired me, often through force and pain, to go back into the cocoon of higher consciousness so I can continue to become a more powerful butterfly. I often curse you at first because it hurts, but it has become abundantly clear what a gift you are to me and humanity.
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