So many of us have this deep longing to be perfect. This typically leads to disappointment and self judgment. We see others appearing to be more perfect and successful and/or happier than we are. I would say that the biggest challenge that Angelina and I face, is the stress and anxiety associated with trying to be and do things perfectly. This morning, I realized that on some level, perfection is not just a goal, it is our true nature. Our true Self is already perfect and that realization is calling upon us to be recognized. Our human self will always be imperfect and well....human. That’s life and the human experience. It’s only when we get absorbed into our humans that we get confused. It’s like going into a theatre in perfect health, watching a movie about someone who’s sick and feeling like we need medical help. That is just the character in the movie. This whole earth experience is just a movie and our true Self is the one watching and guiding our human, actor self.
We are already perfect. We can’t get life wrong. It’s just a learning experience. From this place of knowing our perfection, we can guide our human in the most effective and fully adoring and accepting way possible. Sure we want the movie to turn out the way we would like. Still, by not allowing the flickering images to suck us in, we can stay unattached to outcomes and disidentified from the characters, which keeps us from judging humanity and life, most of which we have very little control of anyway. We can especially stop judging ourselves. Remember, we are much more affected by how we perceive what happens in the movie than we are about what actually happens.
Today I recognize my perfection in a more powerful way. Today I recognize your perfection too. Today I more deeply identify with the Guru while lovingly observing, guiding and adoring the Goofball.