Over the last 14 years, Angelina and I have shared our bedroom with many lovers. It began with a VCR. This was not a problem because in order to have an evening with her, we needed to walk or drive down to Blockbuster, pick out a movie and have it back by the next day. Then we invited Oprah in. This too was simple because she was only on once a day, could be recorded and enjoyed each evening, leaving the weekends open for other things.
Eventually things progressed to a DVD player and we found an internet "pleasure site" called Netflix where they would come to your house and pleasure you. As with all addictions, this one was progressive and eventually we invited in a new lover called TIVO who offered us a "ménage a troi" of recording Oprah and 2 other programs at the same time. Not to mention, the ability to watch streaming movies and documentaries 24/7. It was becoming obvious that our bedroom had become an Orgy of stimuli and our frequency of love making was decreasing. We had intimate talks about it and decided that we both felt super content with everything and didn't need to make any adjustments at the time. Oprah eventually moved on and although we miss her, we purposely have stayed sober from Cable.
Now enter my latest lover who has become a detriment to my meditation practice, our sex life, my ability to stay present and my exercise programs. Enter.....Lolita Goodlove (LG) the Smartphone! She has become the last thing I reach for at night and the first thing I reach for upon awakening. She is such a generous lover, offering up Dopamine 24/7. She invites me into her inbox and offers affectionate texts, Facebook messages and comments constantly. (Studies have shown that texts, messages and comments produce Dopamine in the brain which is highly addictive.)
This has gotten out of hand. We are telling Lolita that she is no longer invited into our bedroom. Like our computers, she will stay downstairs where she can't compete with Angelina for time, presence and fondling.
Anyone else experiencing anything like this???