I found out there was no Santa Claus when I was about 7 and instead of freaking out, I found new Santa Clauses. Mostly it began with never knowing when my mom would be available to spend time with us. It was always a real treat when she'd show up and take us away for the weekend. She'd get away from her alcoholic husband and we'd stay at a hotel and eat room service and watch Beatles movies etc. Then we moved with my dad to FL and I found a new Santa.....kissing girls. From then on, my life was driven by some Fantasy: a new romance, a new band, a dream of a record deal, a dream of a manager or agent, a dream of winning a Posi Award, and of course there's.....America's Got Talent!
All of these dreams died when I got sober from Fantasyholia last year. Fortunately, God came into my life more profoundly than ever last February and I slowly, painfully, sometime reluctantly, have been replacing all those temporary gratifications with God Realization through meditation, fitness, 12 Step and Real Love Recovery work. It's not always fun. I don't always feel great. The drugs I get from these healthy activities are not as intense as the drugs from fantasy were, but the side effects are all positive and lasting. God is revealed constantly now in my breath, Angelina, nature, humanity, and LIFE itself.
In closing...."I will give up Santa Claus' presents for the presence of God any day!"

In closing...."I will give up Santa Claus' presents for the presence of God any day!"