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Friday, December 21, 2012

What You See and What You Hear, You Are Broadcasting!

I have been working on feeling and understanding the whole "mirror" concept for some time now.  It seems clearer than ever on this morning of 12/21/2012.  Imagine that everyone and everything is like a television.  Each has a multitude of stations they can receive and each is programmed to receive certain frequencies or channels.  Imagine that you are like a broadcasting station which is picked up by a multitude of receivers.  When you come across someone or something that you really enjoy, it is because they are tuned to a station that picks up a signal that you really love about yourself.  It's not them but you that are broadcasting that signal.  They are just wonderfully playing it back for you.

The same is true when you come across someone or something that you can't stand.  People can only play back what you are broadcasting.  Have you noticed that things that bother others often have no effect upon you and vice versa?  You can't really hear or see the negative tones or images if you didn't send them out. My bride Angelina is rarely triggered by the people that trigger me.  She is not broadcasting the same negativity that I am.  Same people, different experience.

Here's a twist.  Have you noticed that you can broadcast to 10 people and each one plays back a different frequency?  That's because all receivers are not the sameSome people are tuned into really low frequencies that are super uncomfortable for us.  Still, we won't be able to perceive these low frequencies unless we broadcast them consciously or more likely, unconsciously.  That's the amazing gift that we receive from the low frequency holders.   They play back our unconscious broadcasts so we have an opportunity to love and forgive on a deeper level.  Still, I choose to spend my time mostly with folks that are tuned into the frequencies that I most enjoy experiencing.  It's similar to presetting your car radio to your favorite channels.  All are available, we just get to choose the ones we most enjoy listening to.

So here we are in a brand new 26,000 year cycle.  A New Earth if you will.  We have a new opportunity to take full responsibility for our broadcasts and projections. We have a new potential to love and forgive anything about ourselves that is of a lower frequency than we choose to broadcast to ourselves and others.  We also have the opportunity to continue to blame and resent the world for not giving us what we want. What Will You Choose?