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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

If You Judge It, You Empower It!

As I revel in my new life, I can't help but ponder the differences in how I think and feel now relative to how I thought and felt during my "5 months of Hell" or "The Tunnel".  One of the awarenesses I've had is how I perceived certain things.  Love-Making/Rape; Affluence/Poverty; Approval/Rejection; Well Fed/Starvation; Kindness/Cruelty; Health/Disease; Support/Non-Support; etc. 

I brought these ideas to life by judging them as good and/or bad.  I gave away my peace by replacing it with these judgments.  What previously felt like scenes in a movie called life, became much more real and thus painful to me.  I'm convinced that much of my depressive thoughts and feelings were merely a symptom of forgetting the truth of who we are and what's really real.

I am grateful for this journey, our amazing creative minds that make all of this stuff up and all the gifts of awareness that are offered in the process.  In the past, I avoided uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.  Then in "The Tunnel", I gave them power.  Now I recognize them as the "dreams they are" and feel no need to avoid them or give them life.

The more I am aware and present to Our True Divine Nature, the lack of real substance in this material matrix called Life, and the creative opportunity that we have all been given by our Higher Power, the more Peace and Contentment I feel.