Firstly, I completely do not recommend anyone see the Social Network. Was it brilliant? Yes. Well Acted? Yes. Did it plant material in my psyche and dna that will produce the thoughts and feelings that I desire? Absolutely not. That's why I rarely watch violent movies and Social Network is extremely violent. Not in the usual way but still, it shows the emotionally violent side of humanity, especially when money, greed and recognition are concerned. I remember a few years ago when Nelson Mandela was credited for writing a speech that indeed had been written by Marianne Williamson. There was a huge outrage in the New Age community for MW not getting the credit she so deserved. I can see it now, Jesus comes down and says, "hey you f$%$^^ckers, somebody has been using my words and not giving me credit. Cut it out you bastards!" What a joke.
Anyway, I can't say what was true in the movie or not. I can say this, I wouldn't want certain people from my past to influence a "true story" about me because if presented from their point of view, I'd be seen as "the anti-christ" LOL, especially from some of my ex lovers. The only redeeming thing about the movie other than the acting(that's why they call it acting by the way) was that one of the attorneys said "when I'm on a case that is emotionally charged, I follow this philosophy.....85% of what is being said is exaggerated" "what about the other 15%" asked Mark Zuckerberg......"complete perjury". I rest my case!!!!