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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I Now Pronounce Us....Not Guilty!

For those of you who've been to one of our services in the last year, you've probably heard this talk.  This subject was inspired by an Oprah show and my own feelings of  "shame and guilt" before attending the Hoffman Quadrinity Process which helped me release most of those feelings.  Oprah had a couple of ex-cons on her show, who had served over 10 years each of a life sentence for taking the lives of family members.  They were both freed because of an amazing technology....DNA Testing. As a result of their tests, it was proven that they were innocent.  That in itself is wonderful and not too surprising. What was really surprising was that both men had confessed to the crimes.  This left Oprah and the audience amazed. How could this be?  Why in the world would anyone do that?  Well, the men said that they were traumatized by the situation, their incarceration and the relentless interrogation.  At some point they just surrendered and confessed. This made it harder for them to ever be free but at least gave them a temporary peace from all the mental torture.

Upon hearing this I began to weep.  I recognized all the trauma that I have felt in my life.  I remembered the interrogations etc.  I recognized that I had been sold a set of lies and after hearing them long enough, my receptive parts started to believe it.  I heard "Lord I'm not worthy to receive you",  "you were born in original sin", "you are a bad boy", "you should be ashamed of yourself" and the list goes on.  If you were told anything less than "you are a beautiful, perfect, child of God that was born an original blessing", than you were lied to.  We are so worthy to receive all the love in the world.  We have nothing to be ashamed of and have no need to ever feel guilty. As Marianne Williamson said "it is our greatness that we most fear".  Why, because it is so contradictory to what we've been told.  We are so afraid of being arrogant that we play unhealthily small.  Arrogance is "I'm wonderful and Godly and you're not."  Enlightenment is "I'm wonderful, Godly and totally unique...just like everyone else"...swami beyondananda     If you are like me, you are in the process of rediscovering your innocence, your divinity and your ultimate worthiness.  We have been serving time for a crime we didn't commit.  This has gone on too long. As we approach 2012, humanity is reminded of Jeshua's amazing words..."love thy neighbor as thyself".  Somehow we often forget the 'as thyself' part.  For most of us, it's much easier to love God and our neighbor than it is to love ourselves.  This has got to stop.  We are of the most good to others and the planet when we are free. How can we be free if we are imprisoned in our mind from an old sentence that we never deserved?  I am offering to free us all, to pardon us from whatever we believed we did.  The key of course is complete "self forgiveness".........I Now Pronounce Us....Not Guilty!  

PS. if you send an email to, I'll send you a free mp3 of Innocent, the song I wrote after this realization.

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