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Friday, June 3, 2011

"The Law of Attraction", THE 2ND GREATEST STORY EVER SOLD!

Well, this is a "hot" topic so I guess it needs to be addressed.  Firstly, like the Bible, Koran and the Course in Miracles; the people that made up "The Law of Attraction" believe that it's true and most take it very seriously. I used to be one of them.  We "Scriptists" know that we made up The Script and don't take it seriously.(we do like it bolded however lol)  We only offer this make-believe teaching to those that can benefit from how it feels to believe it.  The Law of Attraction, now referred to as LOA is often considered "fact" and that's where the trouble starts.  First I'll address how it hurts folks and then I'll give an option on how to use LOA for a guaranteed instant gratification.

I know so many folks who have substituted the guilt of not properly applying LOA to their lives for the guilt of not being in God's favor from their previous religious beliefs. I have heard hundreds of frustrated folks wondering why their lives have not worked out in relationships, finances, health, career, etc, like it was so clearly depicted in "The Secret" and other LOA tauting books and DVDs.  Angelina and I dove in deep to all of that and our lives clearly proved that in most cases, these tools actually worked.   That created a bit of superiority at our ability to "do it right" and pity for those who had "blocks" etc.  That never felt good or fair to us.  I've even spent the last 15 years of my life teaching it. Ouch! Still, we believed LOA was factual so just accepted that we were better at it than most and much worse at it than the folks that had an "oceanfront dream house" and a "commercially successful career".(which we still hope is scripted for us. lol)  Of course the LOA folks would say "you need to see yourself as having your oceanfront dream house and commercially successful career or you won't prepave the road to them and you can only attract what you are in vibrational harmony with."   blah, blah, blah.  That sounds like a great way to get folks to buy into a dogma that is effective in selling books, seminars, workshops, DVDs, Cd's etc.  LOA-The 2nd Greatest Story ever Sold!  Unfortunately, most of us in the human potential movement have the same ego desire to be superior/inferior as we did when we bought into other religions.  We got the awareness that there was more to life than what we were taught in our youth and then "bought into" these "more expanded" philosophies with the same mentality that we had before.

Here's part of the challenge: The Torah and Old Testament are believed to be the Word of God. The New Testament and Course in Miracles are believed to be the Words of Jesus (who by many is the same as God). The Koran is believed to be the words of Mohammad (who by many is the same as God).  Firstly, Word of God seems oxymoronish (is that a word?) since words are of the flesh and God is not.  Secondly, who's to say that Jesus and Mohammad didn't graduate from MSU (making shit up) just like I did?

OK, enough with the inflammatory stuff.  How can we use LOA in the way I believe all teachings are originally help us find peace and comfort as we navigate Planet Disney. When you think thoughts that feel good, you are immediately transported into a place of Joy.  I love when "Abraham" (a group of non-physical entities channeled through Esther Hicks) says "your emotions are your guidance system."  This is so simple.  Think thoughts that are positive and you will have the accompanying emotions that feel good.  Do the opposite and the opposite occurs.  When you feel "good" it is an indication that your thoughts are in alignment with feeling good.  That pretty much sums up the impetus for The Script.  How many women have looked in the mirror and said "I'm my perfect ideal weight" and felt like crap afterwards knowing that they don't f'ing believe that?  More in alignment with feeling good would be to say "I'm so lovable and beautiful even though I'm not at my ideal weight".  How many men have said "I'm wealthy and my career is kicking ass" and felt like killing themselves afterwards knowing that they don't f''ing believe that and have no idea how to change it?  More in alignment with feeling good would be to say "I'm prosperous in all the ways that truly matter regardless of what my bank account, ego mind or peers think".  LOA to me says "when you think thoughts and believe them, you will attract emotions that are in alignment with those thoughts and beliefs.  This may or may not change your physical world but it will definitely change your experience of your physical world.  Since imagination and experience are much more important than knowledge, wouldn't it be better to imagine and experience a rich, healthy, rewarding life than to actually have one???

1 comment:

  1. Yes Armand I agree with you. The LOA as portrayed in 'The Secret' is a do-it-yourself attempt to create a life you want. Now a few years later we can easily see that the 'The Secret' process is not congruent with Divine laws. The 'vision boards' don't work as planned and the reason given why they don't work is also not congruent with Divine laws.
    We do not need to seek the advice of a tarot card reader to know what our soul wants. This is really a very simple matter. Our Soul only wants to experience the highest form of love that there is. It is not looking for the biggest house or success in a career or to be rich or famous. Any action or thought that is not moving in that direction of that deep inner yearning is not congruent with anyone's path. ‘The Secret’s' film editors completely cut out the entire section dealing with the human shadow (light and dark shadows). The spiritual law "if you don't deal with your shadows then your shadows will deal with you" indicates that that those that fail to deal with their dark and light shadows will be used by those same shadow(s). Underlying commitments (conscious or unconscious) truly drive those ‘vision board’. i.e a person wants a soul mate but in fact the underlying commitment is ‘safety’ which is driven by a unconscious fear. It is this that is attracted not the soul mate. After sometime the person may give up on the ‘vision board’ of seeking a soul mate. Generally that person will only find true peace, joy, love and happiness when they are able to transient the fear they are holding on to.

    Most ‘vision boards’ I have seen are driven from a form of insanity. Native American Indian elders saw very quickly that the Europeans that were coming to America have a form of insanity. This insanity manifested itself in the desire to have more than they needed. When a person has an excess of the basic elements of life and does not share and there are people in need of these basic elements are considered by the elders as being insane. The Indian elders (as others advanced people in the world) hold a space for those that are insane with this desire. It is why most ‘vision boards’ serve the collective shadow of the earth and not the Collective heart. This is only one other organism that has this behavior. It is the cancer cell. It eats more than it needs and thus kills it's host and itself.

    A very good documentary of this insanity is the ‘I Am” Find theater to view it .It may change your life.

    Thank you Armand for sharing your enlightenment with us.

    Much peace, love and light to you,

