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Thursday, June 30, 2011

If it does not give you peace, Why do you believe it?

More and more I am becoming convinced that we are all making everything up.  If this is true, then why do we spend so much time making stuff up that feels bad?  I guess it's what E.T. calls the "pain body".  If your "pain body" is hungry, then it will inspire you to make something up that feels bad.  The more I make up that this world is a wonderful, meaningless playground, the more fun I have.  The more I see all people as playing out their perfect roles, whether pleasant or not, the more peace I feel.  The more I act as if I cannot fail, the more free I feel.  The more I surrender to the perfection of everything, the more faith I feel.  The more appreciative I am for the people in my life, the more love I feel. The more I see myself as equally wonderful as anyone else, the more in-love I feel.

IF it's not bringing you peace, joy, freedom, love, fun and faith, Why are you thinking or doing it???  I'll give you the most common reason....because we have been lied to and not told that we have the choice to make up what we want.  We were told that this world is "real" and we must do the "right" thing in order to be "good".  We were told that things that happened to us in our childhood were "bad" and the people who did them were "bad". The mind does not know the difference between ourselves, events and others so the minute we say something is "bad", a part of us feels "bad".  A heavenly experience can truly occur when we let go of all this judgment and see the divinity and/or illusion of it all. Look at any area of your life that is not happy and free and you'll find an underlying "negative belief" that can be replaced with love through forgiveness and making something else up.  In the movie "A Beautiful Life", the little boy pretended/made-up, with the coaching of his dad, that everything was just a game.  As a result, he had a good time even though there was apparent insanity all around him.  I aspire to be more like him.  Some may say.."that's not realistic".  I would agree, but would you rather be realistic and miserable or idealistic and happy? 

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