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Thursday, June 30, 2011

If it does not give you peace, Why do you believe it?

More and more I am becoming convinced that we are all making everything up.  If this is true, then why do we spend so much time making stuff up that feels bad?  I guess it's what E.T. calls the "pain body".  If your "pain body" is hungry, then it will inspire you to make something up that feels bad.  The more I make up that this world is a wonderful, meaningless playground, the more fun I have.  The more I see all people as playing out their perfect roles, whether pleasant or not, the more peace I feel.  The more I act as if I cannot fail, the more free I feel.  The more I surrender to the perfection of everything, the more faith I feel.  The more appreciative I am for the people in my life, the more love I feel. The more I see myself as equally wonderful as anyone else, the more in-love I feel.

IF it's not bringing you peace, joy, freedom, love, fun and faith, Why are you thinking or doing it???  I'll give you the most common reason....because we have been lied to and not told that we have the choice to make up what we want.  We were told that this world is "real" and we must do the "right" thing in order to be "good".  We were told that things that happened to us in our childhood were "bad" and the people who did them were "bad". The mind does not know the difference between ourselves, events and others so the minute we say something is "bad", a part of us feels "bad".  A heavenly experience can truly occur when we let go of all this judgment and see the divinity and/or illusion of it all. Look at any area of your life that is not happy and free and you'll find an underlying "negative belief" that can be replaced with love through forgiveness and making something else up.  In the movie "A Beautiful Life", the little boy pretended/made-up, with the coaching of his dad, that everything was just a game.  As a result, he had a good time even though there was apparent insanity all around him.  I aspire to be more like him.  Some may say.."that's not realistic".  I would agree, but would you rather be realistic and miserable or idealistic and happy? 

The 4 Absolute Truths

I heard these years ago and they still resonate with me.

1.You Exist
2.The All is One and the One is All.
3.You Always get back what you put out.
4.The Only constant is change except for the first 3 truths.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Free Will...The Ego's Playground!

OK, just a quick reminder that The Script is my spiritual path and all spiritual paths are valid.  I've had so many judge this path and it cracks me up because most people I know moved away from traditional religion because of all the judgment and self-righteousness. lol  "Free Will" (or lack there of) seems to be the biggest concern people have about The Script.  According to The Script, the only limited free will is the freedom to choose peace/God at any given moment, unless doing so would create a different action or word, in which case, it would be scripted for you not to be free to choose.  To me, there will always be judgment as long as we believe that we or others "could have" chosen differently.  Regret is always related to "free will".  Anxiety is always related to "free will".  Worry is always related to "free will". Fear is always related to "free will".  Rejection is always related to "free will". Depression/sadness is always related to "free will".  Show me a person that believes in The Script and I'll show you a person who's spiritual path trumps all of these human conditions.  That's the main reason I am choosing The Script 100%.  I'm tired of feeling those things and I found a "thought process" that makes it impossible to experience any lasting negative emotions.  If you need the juice from drama and control, don't embrace The Script.   This amazing experience I am having is also known as "The Peace of God".  I've never had it before, except when I was a baby.  It's like falling in love. It's like an inner happy balanced trinity of female/male/child.  It's more fulfilling than any addictive high.  It's the first thing I've ever found that thrills me as much as my managed addiction...."romantic intrigue". It's more valuable to me than my marriage, my friends, my health, my career, and my possessions.  This peace is the only thing I believe I can truly count upon because unlike everything else, it can be permanent!  In the 12 steps, #3 states...Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God. To me this sums up The Script.  Either God's will is supreme or we have free will.  The great news doesn't even matter if it's true or not.  First, there are only 4 absolute truths (future blog) as far as I know.  Secondly, would you rather be peaceful and happy or right?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

God will NEVER forgive Us!

Asking God for forgiveness is about as outlandish as asking the moon to apologize for an eclipse.  These human tools are only necessary because our small minds have imagined separation, leading to judgment etc.  When we can embrace our true nature of innate perfection and see this world for the "dream" that it truly is, we can let go of the notion that anything need be different than it is.  Then we will embrace complete forgivess within ourselves and paradoxically recognize there was nothing to forgive.  Go figure!  Still, forgiveness and apologies continue to be an important healing and resolution tool on Planet Disney and I highly recommend them and use them often with wonderful effective results.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thoughts: Are you Thinking Them or is "The Script" Thinking You?

Since The Script contends that everything that happens is already predestined, where do thoughts fit in?  For the most part, it appears that we have a certain amount of free will over our thoughts which produce certain feelings.  Still, if we need to have certain thoughts in order to produce a scripted result, then even those thoughts will be scripted.  This really shoots down the idea that "we are in control" huh. 

A few folks have shared their concern that this new philosophy is merely "resignation".  Well,  that may be true AND I truly embrace a certain amount of resignation........I resign from running the universe (I was doing a terrible job anyway);  I resign from judgment;  I resign from thinking I know best for myself and/or anyone else;  I resign from attachment;  I resign from guilt;  I resign from living in the past or the future;  I resign from F.E.A.R.;  I resign from compulsive thinking;  I resign from thinking and feeling that I am less or more than anyone else; I resign from worry;  I resign from personalizing what you think of me; but mostly.....I don't try to figure out what's going to happen next and instead, just enjoy LIFE as it unfolds.  

Friday, June 3, 2011

"The Law of Attraction", THE 2ND GREATEST STORY EVER SOLD!

Well, this is a "hot" topic so I guess it needs to be addressed.  Firstly, like the Bible, Koran and the Course in Miracles; the people that made up "The Law of Attraction" believe that it's true and most take it very seriously. I used to be one of them.  We "Scriptists" know that we made up The Script and don't take it seriously.(we do like it bolded however lol)  We only offer this make-believe teaching to those that can benefit from how it feels to believe it.  The Law of Attraction, now referred to as LOA is often considered "fact" and that's where the trouble starts.  First I'll address how it hurts folks and then I'll give an option on how to use LOA for a guaranteed instant gratification.

I know so many folks who have substituted the guilt of not properly applying LOA to their lives for the guilt of not being in God's favor from their previous religious beliefs. I have heard hundreds of frustrated folks wondering why their lives have not worked out in relationships, finances, health, career, etc, like it was so clearly depicted in "The Secret" and other LOA tauting books and DVDs.  Angelina and I dove in deep to all of that and our lives clearly proved that in most cases, these tools actually worked.   That created a bit of superiority at our ability to "do it right" and pity for those who had "blocks" etc.  That never felt good or fair to us.  I've even spent the last 15 years of my life teaching it. Ouch! Still, we believed LOA was factual so just accepted that we were better at it than most and much worse at it than the folks that had an "oceanfront dream house" and a "commercially successful career".(which we still hope is scripted for us. lol)  Of course the LOA folks would say "you need to see yourself as having your oceanfront dream house and commercially successful career or you won't prepave the road to them and you can only attract what you are in vibrational harmony with."   blah, blah, blah.  That sounds like a great way to get folks to buy into a dogma that is effective in selling books, seminars, workshops, DVDs, Cd's etc.  LOA-The 2nd Greatest Story ever Sold!  Unfortunately, most of us in the human potential movement have the same ego desire to be superior/inferior as we did when we bought into other religions.  We got the awareness that there was more to life than what we were taught in our youth and then "bought into" these "more expanded" philosophies with the same mentality that we had before.

Here's part of the challenge: The Torah and Old Testament are believed to be the Word of God. The New Testament and Course in Miracles are believed to be the Words of Jesus (who by many is the same as God). The Koran is believed to be the words of Mohammad (who by many is the same as God).  Firstly, Word of God seems oxymoronish (is that a word?) since words are of the flesh and God is not.  Secondly, who's to say that Jesus and Mohammad didn't graduate from MSU (making shit up) just like I did?

OK, enough with the inflammatory stuff.  How can we use LOA in the way I believe all teachings are originally help us find peace and comfort as we navigate Planet Disney. When you think thoughts that feel good, you are immediately transported into a place of Joy.  I love when "Abraham" (a group of non-physical entities channeled through Esther Hicks) says "your emotions are your guidance system."  This is so simple.  Think thoughts that are positive and you will have the accompanying emotions that feel good.  Do the opposite and the opposite occurs.  When you feel "good" it is an indication that your thoughts are in alignment with feeling good.  That pretty much sums up the impetus for The Script.  How many women have looked in the mirror and said "I'm my perfect ideal weight" and felt like crap afterwards knowing that they don't f'ing believe that?  More in alignment with feeling good would be to say "I'm so lovable and beautiful even though I'm not at my ideal weight".  How many men have said "I'm wealthy and my career is kicking ass" and felt like killing themselves afterwards knowing that they don't f''ing believe that and have no idea how to change it?  More in alignment with feeling good would be to say "I'm prosperous in all the ways that truly matter regardless of what my bank account, ego mind or peers think".  LOA to me says "when you think thoughts and believe them, you will attract emotions that are in alignment with those thoughts and beliefs.  This may or may not change your physical world but it will definitely change your experience of your physical world.  Since imagination and experience are much more important than knowledge, wouldn't it be better to imagine and experience a rich, healthy, rewarding life than to actually have one???