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Sunday, May 8, 2011

What if everything you believed turned out to be wrong?

Yesterday, much of what I've been thinking, believing, teaching and knowing was dismantled. Much of my life has revolved around "positive thinking" and "co-creating the reality I desire".  Recently the subtle sage, Angelina,  has been hinting that much of my time pondering how to say, do and think the thoughts that will pre-pave the future I desire, may be a total waste of time. She and I resonate strongly with the concept that "Everything is in Divine Order".  I would say that sharing that belief is the cornerstone of our "spiritual marriage" because no matter what has shown up, we have always been able to ultimately find peace using "Divine Order" to explain it all.  Lately she's been asking, "if it's all in divine order, then what makes you think you have any control over anything?".  What's so wonderful about her is that she never suggests that she knows anything, only that she wonders about my relentless pursuit of understanding. As a seriously recovering "control freak", the ultimate sobriety would be to accept that I have absolutely no control over what shows up in my life or the lives of others. I have been hearing this in different ways since our friend Melanie Buzek proposed this idea to us around 2003. Still, I had trouble embracing destiny and fate completely.

Another idea that I've fully embraced is "the law of attraction".  It makes total sense that in this universe, like attracts like and what you think about, speak about and visualize will be made manifest.  I'm not saying that this is no longer true for me, but what about all the folks who practice these techniques and continue to manifest their opposites?  I would always say to myself, "the reason my life is so charmed is because of my positivity and effective use of truth principles".  What a wonderful way for me to feel superior!!  What about all the deperately poor people that have a much happier life than I do, are more appreciative of what they have, and have not had to spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time in some form of therapy to heal their issues, as I have?  I know so many folks that have actually gotten more depressed believing in tools like the "law of attraction" and becoming extremely dissappointed when their tools seems to be used in vain.

What if....things happen the way they are going to happen?  What if you can only do things the way you are doing them and when you are supposed to change, you will?  What if it were absolutely perfect for everything to be happening exactly the way it is?  What if no matter what you did, the same result was going to occur?  What if this life is just a  "movie", already written by you with a predestined ending and predestined scenes, and predestined heroes and villians?  What if you had ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL over anything that occurs???  Since there is no way to know the answers to these questions absolutely, I am choosing to engage my restless mind in what I CAN control (recovering, never recovered. lol).

I can control how I look at what's showing up.  I can still be positive about life, people, experiences etc.  Will this attract more of my external desires?  Maybe, maybe not, but it will FEEL better no matter what shows up.  Can I continue to focus upon what I desire, use my tools to ask "Why" questions (Dawn Key-ho-te Claim, as described in Orchestrating the Symphony of our Cells) in relationship to what I desire?  As long as it feels good, yes.  What leads to dissappointment is the notion that "I better think, say and do things "right" in order to have the desired outcome". This leads to a very toxic thought "what if I do it wrong?"  As long as I say, "the outcome will be what it will be and is not at all influenced by what I say, think or do",  I will not have all the agendas, pressures, dissappointments, performance anxiety, worries and fears that have plagued so much of my consciousness.  I also know that when my thoughts, words and actions are loving, there is "instant karma" because it feels good.  If I'm doing it for the reward, I'm doomed. 

For those who cannot let go of the notion that our thoughts, words and actions DO affect our manifestations, I recommend this:  focus more of your "self help" tools on manifesting more peace, more love, more harmony, more acceptance, more tolerance, more trust.  These are truly what the soul longs for.  These are the things that much of the poor in places like India and Tibet have abundance of and seem to have a higher "happiness quotient" than most people in America.

For me, the notion that everything is going to happen the way it is regardless of my input, has released decades of pressures and concerns from my consciousness.  I've been praying for 10 years to find the peace and relaxation that comes so frickin' natural to Angelina and I believe that I've just been shown a new way.  I hope this is of help to you in some way.  If not, at least you'll get a good laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Great ponderings.What a blessing to be in the I don't know rather than the Know.
    I knew much more then than I do now ~ Bono&U2 "City of Blinding Lights"
