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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Over The Hill and Thankful For It!

On Feb. 15th of this year I started my 50th year of life.  This is often called "over the hill".  One definition is " Past the peak of one's youthful vigor and freshness". While I admit that some shifts have occurred in my body that make excercise, attitude and diet more of a priority these days, in many ways I feel fresher than ever.  I look at the first 50 years of my life as a time of hard work, tilling the soil, selfishness, discovering myself, addiction work, relationship yoga and an overall sense of "what the hell does this all mean".  Now I feel like my garden is bearing rich fruit.  Even my relationship with my beloved twin flame of 10 years truly did not begin to bear the richest fruit until this last year.  Even the passion has become richer which I would never have believed.  I was always under the impression that when the love drugs and romantic intrigue were replaced with security, comfortability and trust, that much of the fire would die.  While I admit, a version of this did occur,  I had no idea what was waiting on the other side of 9 years of conscious commitment.  Holy Canolli!  Our love life reached a new peak and I believe part of it is getting "over the hill"(btw, she still has another year before she starts her 50th).  I like to think of it as riding a bike.  Aren't we all happy to get "over the hill" so we can coast a bit more, enjoy the ride, stop and smell the roses and know what works and doesn't??  Sure a stong apple tree full of energy is a sight to behold, but until it bears apples, it's not near as fulfilling.  "Over the hill" is also the time that many careers become prime. That is unless you're in Hollywood, but even that is changing for the better as the public recognizes the richness of being older.  Most of us are well aware that aging improves wine and cheese. lol  For us, this is the most exciting time of our career too.  "Past my peak??, no way baby, I'm just getting started!!!!!  Here's to embracing being "Over the Hill". Happy Thanksgiving to us all.


  1. Lol~ you're old!!!!Hehehe...
    And getting better all the time!

  2. Congratulations on your birthday and that it came with a the present of consciousness. We should all be happy with a present such as that!
