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Thursday, November 4, 2010

2012 The Time of Enoughness

Well, this was my very first blog and I'm excited to share it again. Today I got another strong message that we are being called to step into our "enoughness".  This is on a personal and material level.  How can we move into a new era of consciousness if we are still holding on to old patterns of "not enoughness"?  Whatever it takes for us to realize that we are one with the infinite and are and have always been "good enough", MUST BE DONE.  It's also time to let go of the constant pursuit of more stuff.  I find these two are very tied together. The less we feel enough, the more stuff we try to acquire to compensate for this emptiness.  Angelina and I often look at what we have in our lives, check to see if it meets our needs or is superfluous.  In Joe Dominguez' amazing book, "Your Money or Your Life", he clearly shows how more material possessions, after reaching one's "fulfillment peak", actually usually decrease one's fulfillment. Angelina and I have found that less stuff, which often leads to more freedom and savings, adds up to more peace.

On her last year on the air, Oprah had several guests that struggled for 40 years or more with not enoughness and how liberated they were when they fully accepted themselves for who they are.  Notably Ricky Martin, Portia De Rossie Degeneres, and Jane Fonda. Please join us as we embrace "Enoughness" and regain our priorities of health, happiness, simplicity and relationships.  Your comments are always welcome.

Since I wrote this, we have had to reduce our expenses by 40% to compensate for our reduced income. This was very challenging because we had become attached to the money, giving and lifestyle we had enjoyed for a decade. We are now realizing more than ever what truly is "enough".  We have recommitted to the idea that: our committed relationship is enough; our income is enough; our church and event career is enough, regardless of how many people show up or how much money we make; our physically changing youthfulness is enough;  our simple home and material possessions are enough; our savings is enough. In summary, we are embracing more and more that WE ARE ENOUGH!!


  1. Wow, I'm excited about your blog! I have been thinking of starting one too, but fears tend to get in the way. Enoughness fears. LOL.

    I tend to "achieve" in order to be enough. Not only do I strive to achieve, but in doing so, I put myself in extremely stressful situations.

    I am finally learning to take baby steps and to enjoy more of what I am doing, and I am learning to realize that in the moments where I am doing nothing, I am still moving forward.


  2. Well stated! Most all of us have been blessed in overflowing measures. A heart full of gratitude and thankfulness is making more room for love, joy and peace, the priceless gifts! I am embracing "enoughness" with you. IN-JOY!!!

  3. I think you've touched upon something profound here. I find when I move away from spiritual "enoughness" I want more stuff to fill up my life. Thank you for the reminder.

  4. As I have fully trusted, God since I was a teenager to be absolutely "good" to me at all times and in all things AND that this existance is temporary including "stuff" and life. My life has always felt a bit like an instructional movie, though I am sure I am not getting much of "it" I am confident that stuff are just props and that what each of us need or enjoy changes over time and is wonderously infinite so I am most carefull not to judge or recommend. Or put another way isn't the word "enough" a lot like the word "resources", always open to interpretation and constant revision. If right now you feel more at peace with more of the "stuff" money and security than other "stuff" be it. But,whatever props,"stuff" another has are just as personal and the only judgement I have is "Thank God for the beautifull variety" and aren't museums wonderful?

  5. Well said W. I am wonderfully envious that you have always trusted God. Yes, Enough is extremely subjective and I hoped to invite my readers to determine what that means to them.Yes, Thank GOd for the beautiful variety and museums ARE wonderful

  6. A - love that you've started a blog. PERFECT outlet for you you and your thoughts. Obviously, a way to reach more people in addition to the touring. Nice... :D

  7. Oh,yeah! I was going to mention your blog yesterday at the New Way, but it slipped my mind! I'll be sure to pass it on. : )
